Saturday, February 7, 2009

I hate bad ice skaters

Hello peeps! This is not going to be a full length entry BUT I just had a sudden urge to share some thoughts. So here's the deal people. I'm sitting here on my ass of course because I have mono and I have NO ENERGY--ANYWAY--I'm sitting here watching ice skating. There are just some skaters that I really do not like. I thought ice skating was supposed to be fast graceful fluid beautiful and athletic. Some of these skaters look SLOW and do not have good posture. Its crazy. Lame. Thats all. : )

Monday, February 2, 2009

Horrible Sickness

Hello everyone.

Today I write to from the most boring and painful place. I have tonsillitis. I guess tonsillitis is just like a really bad sore throat but let me tell you why its even worse. I can't fucking swallow. For the past 4 days every time I swallow it feels like I am trying to swallow a brick and then it scrapes the entire inside of my throat. Then- after I've tried to finish swallowing my throat makes a little click-like noise and half of the saliva comes back in to my mouth. The pain when I swallow is excruciating. Not to mention my entire throat is swollen up so I look like a freakin' monkey. I've heard that some people like to be sick because they just get a chance to laze around the house and I have to say that is definitely not how I feel. The pain is so horrible every second that I can barely even watch a TV show or surf the internet. I can't sleep either because I wake up basically every time I have to swallow. Last night it got so bad that I actually started crying in my sleep--which woke me up. Honestly I hope this shit goes away soon or at least starts to get better because I don't know how much more I can take. Meanwhile- I can't possibly go to work because I can barely open my mouth let alone speak. My jaw is so swollen and as one of students put it last week--I look hit. I know that I shouldn't take a lot of time off work and I already took at sick day in January but there literally is no one I could do my job right now. I can't even project my voice so that someone right next to me can hear it. Hmmmm. Anyway- on a lighter note I taught an all time high number of lessons last week and all my students signed up for performances in March. Things at the studio results wise are going well but I just feel like with everything that I put in I have nothing left for myself. Obviously my body has had enough because now I'm ultra sick and I think my mind has had enough as well. Its time to start spending time and effort on things that I want and not just what the studio wants or what my students. As my friend put it- I need more balance in my life. I would love to not be plagued by TONSILLITIS so that I could start doing those things for myself. A lot of the things I want to do have to do with dancing and exercising so after a 12 hour day of dancing and teaching you could see why it would be hard to have anything left for myself. Anyways---I think thats where I'll stop with this entry. Hope you are all doing better than I!!! Happy February!
PS- the pic is an old one but soon I'll have some more recent pics with my latest posts : )

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Return of the Bloggyyyy!!!

So hello everyone! It has been a seriously long time since I've written a blog entry! Almost a year I think. Anyway- I'm glad to be back blogging because I am once again in need of a mindless hugely unimportant time waster hobby. I guess I'll start by doing some catching in from the last entry which was almost one year ago. Ironically enough--- in that entry I was super bored. So if you haven't got it by now I'm a little bored these days. Its pretty fun and hard to explain because my job is SO time consuming and energy sapping however in the little time that I do get off work I find myself extremely bored. Its almost like I am running at 110% while I'm working and then when I get time off and have nothing to do with that energy I just don't even know what to do with myself. How now brown cow? So thats the dilemma. I do indeed spend time with my good friends and we have a great time. But even then I feel that we want more fun things to do. I have realized that I am a huge people person and when I have time by myself all I want to do is schedule the next time I can spend with other people. However- there are also times that I really want alone time and then I can't have it because my mom is always around. Oh yeah- there's a big update from last year. In March 2008 I moved out of my parents house to a beautiful apartment close to the dance studio. Then in December 2008 after almost starving to death I finally sublet my apartment and moved back in with my parents. I guess it wasn't such a good idea for me to sign a year lease on that expensive apartment. I loved that place but at the same time I really couldn't afford it and it would have been better if I was sharing it with someone. Now living at home is alright--atleast cheap--but my cats are miserable and I would much rather be living somewhere where I could take care of myself. Just today I found a really awesome new place out in the country that only $300/month. Hopefully that will work out and I can move out in February. Other news since last January-- I started working at Arthur Murray as a dance dream job. I am enjoying it so much and I seriously put everything I have in to my job and my students. I'm starting to really build myself up and climb the ladder to success and I'm doing it at a quick rate. I have personal goals for how fast I want to get better at dancing, compete, earn new teacher certificates, and I'm on target with most of those but also behind in some on them. However- the rate at which I am getting better is faster than anyone in the area and I made the companies national news because of my accomplishments in the last quarter of 2008. I'm happy to get some recognition but I am still driven to work much harder. So thats kind of the latest Arthur Murray news. There's some more but its confidential so perhaps I'll post at a later date. I no longer teach swim lessons or work as a lifeguard--which I am SO happy about! I teach dance full time now so I don't have to do any of that stupid shit. I guess the only other big news since last year is that I am currently single, and unfortunately so. I could write a whole blog on that but I think I'm gonna keep that stuff a little more private for now.
I think I'll end this blog so I don't burn myself out at it! Phew! I'd love to see some responses to know that you bloggzke-laws'ers are still out there....and hey I'll even throw in a question to answer. The first official Bloggzke-Laws of 2009 question is: How long would you wait to be seriously recognized for your hard work?