Monday, November 19, 2007

I dance in my sleep!

Hello everyone! First I want to apologize for how long its been since I have written! I have to say that the reason for my lack of blogging is that I have been having a lot of fun! As I think I mentioned in a previous entry, I have finally started to understand how to practice dancing. I have been practicing a lot at home. All I want to do is dance. I wake up in the morning and can't wait to start dancing, I go to dance class and when i get down I want to practice dancing, and when I go to bed at night I dance in my sleep! Seriously sometimes I will just have to sit up in bed at 3am and say outloud RELAX! I am loving dancing so much I just can't get enough. I am also starting to get really excited about moving to NYC because there is a really good chance that I will be getting a job as a dance teacher. This is the most excited I have ever been about a job oppotunity because it seems like a perfect fit for me! Not only do I want the job more than anything, but I think the job will want me. I am looking forward to solidifying that and I am definitely going to throw some sort of party if I do get the job! In other news- this past week I took a trip to Toronto, ON to audition for Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines. I travelled there via car (to Windsor) and train and I stayed with my 2nd cousin, twice removed in downtown Toronto. My cousin took me out to a fabulous dinner and we had great conversation including a mutual understanding of feeling like you are living single when your lover is just a few thosand miles away! (Her fiance lives in Yellow Knife and she is in Toronto) So I spent the night at her house and got up at 7am to travel to the audition in the morning. I took the subway about 5 stops east to Metro Movement Dance Center. When I got there I got a number which I had to fasten to my chest. I was early so I took the time to stretch out in a cramped and intimidating waiting room! I had a great strech though and I was happy because I got my right split and other girls seems to look over at me with jealousy. When the time came we all gathered in the dance studio and learned a short combination (4 counts of 8) that went with Britney Spears song "Slave". The combination was just above my comfort level so I didn't quite have it when it came time to perform. It was really hard to focus because there were so many people and I made the mistake of standing in the back of the room when he was teaching the combination so I coudn't see the first few steps. I'm sure I would have done way better if I had stood in the front and really focused and the steps and didn't think about all the other people around me. Anyway- it was a good time and I had fun dancing even though I didn't have quite enough time to learn the combination well enough to perform it when the time came. i am going to wrap this up but I'd first just like to apologize for those of you who follow my podcast! I have really dropped the ball on my podcast and I hope to get in some really great workouts and episodes after the Thanksgiving break. Have no fear Podfit will return strong after this short hiatus! Also- Podfit is now available on iTunes so you can subscribe to it and have new episodes automatically downloaded in to your iTunes library. Just searh for "Podfit" in the Podcast Directory, or Browse for it under Health and Fitness. More to come on syncing your computer with my podcast after the holiday! Hope everyone is enjoying their life as much as I am! AND- I get to see Cyrus in 56 hours!!!!!!!!
PS- the pic is the black and white version of my headshot! What do you think?

1 comment:

Katie K said...

absolutely gorgeous dahling :) you should try and do some photo shop big blue eyes and black and white everything else.