Wednesday, October 24, 2007

cherry pod-tart day

So this is blog number two and suprise suprise I am writing it late at night. I have been on the most fucked up schedule recently and I can't seem to break it! I wake up at 10am every morning, I do stuff all day, and then it gets to be 12 or 1 at night and I'm still not tired!!! Usually by 2am I decide to turn out the light and try to go to sleep but I usually end up lying awake for at least another thirty minutes! It's so annoying because no one else is awake and it just adds to my lonelines. If I could just fall asleep at a reasonable hour then things would be so much better. I think part of the problem is that I do not eat dinner until after dance, which usually ends up being around 9 or 10. But seriously how can you do 3 or 4 hours and not be hungry afterwards? I eat at 10:30AM and again sometime around 2 and again sometime around 5 and then again sometime around 9. This isn't too wacky except that all the meals are late. Then again, last Saturday I got up early and finished all eating activities before 9pm and I still was not ready to sleep until 1am! Does anyone have any advice? Anyway- that was a total tangent, I meant to talk about my day. Wednesday mornings are relax morning because my mom is at work (she only works 2 days a week so when she does it feels amazing to have the house to myself). I always have a huge leisurly breakfast and watch TV because I can't watch it when she's home. Today I had Cherry Pop-Tarts and a banana. I chilled out on the couch and watched "Whose Wedding Is It Anyway" on the Style network which used to be a fun show to watch but now I'm sick of it. Plus- I'm not getting married anytime soon so whats the point? Next I did some research about New York which lead to no good results because I am a terrible researcher. Then I decided to record a podcast workout. I did that all afternoon because getting the camera angle just right was real hard this time! Unfortunately, there is not enough space on my computer to import the movie so I have to go buy an external hard drive! Any suggestions? Anyway- I finished up recording and tried to do the dishes before I left for dance but I ran out of time. I went to ballet and lyrical jazz and then I came home and practice dancing for a little over an hour. It was 10:30 and I decided to make some dinner. I had a lovely salad, a protein bar, some almonds, and a strawberry juice bar. Then it hit me that I had many more hours during which I would have no one to talk to. My baby is on a long weekend camping/canoeing excursion with his dad and is out of cell range until next Monday! : ( My mom is glued to the tele whenever she's not at its just me and my little old computer. Luckily enough I did get to talk to Lara on the phone and online today and that was fun even though she's not feeling well and we haven't been able to carve pumpkins together like we had been planning. I also briefly talked to my mom for awhile about random stuff which was fun. That pretty much sums up my day. Hope you guys had a more eventful day than I did! PS- notice the picture---this is what I look like when I am bored and lonely at night and start taking photos of myself trying to look sad and desperate.

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