Tuesday, October 30, 2007

happy day

Today is a happy day for a lot of reasons! First of all, my lovely friend Lindsey is in town and she asked me to hang out not once but twice! We enjoyed 1/2 Martini's at Cafe Felix last night and we are meeting up again this evening for dinner at the Red Hawk with Emily Junck! I have to say that I really love that Lindsey and I have maintained a friendship since high school because she is such a sweet girl. She is a great listener and she its obvious that she really cares about our friendship and does everything she can to hang out with me when she's in town. So thanks Lindsey for being such a great friend. Another happy thing is that Cyrus is home from his canoe/camping trip in the wilderness of Northern MN and is once again reachable by phone, email , video chat, and other forms of technology! I got to talk to him on video chat today and he is real scruffy! : ) Also- I had ballet today and I felt like I actually looked like a ballerina for the first time! I was dancing with really good technique and I was connecting with the music! It was so much fun! My teacher still had tons of "constructive criticism" but I really am starting to see a change in my posture and articulation of my body! Lastly, today is just a beautiful fall day! The sun is out and the leaves are turning and its not freezing cold. I don't have too much more to say right now other than that I am in an excellent mood. I do want to put a plug out there for commenting on my blog. If you read my blog, I want to know about it!! Also- if you haven't joined the fan club on facebook please do that soon! I may write a little more later tonight. Have a happy fall afternoon everyone!

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