Monday, December 17, 2007

Snow Storm

So today is a perfect day for a blog because it has been such a weird day! Apparently today is Monday but I swear it seems more like a Sunday or a non-day or a holiday. Ann Arbor got a shit load of snow yesterday and that fucked everybody up. My dad ended up not even going on his business trip and my mom skipped UM Dearborn's commencement ceremonies. Anyway, the snow didn't stop me from going out and having a good time. I walked with my dad down to Conor ONeils where I met up with Joe and Roger. Joe and I have been rehearsing for a few weeks on some folk tunes. He plays the banjo and I am singing and playing the tambourine. Its been a fun and relaxed way to get back to singing more regularly and have an opportunity to teach my friend Joe a little bit about music. Only problem is that I think he wants to do it a little more seriously than I do and he's been pushing for a lot of rehearsal time and gigs. The truth is I only want to devote as much time to that as is left over after I exhaust all the dancing I can do in a day. I think he gets that but I'm not quite sure why he is being so pushy. Anyway- we played our set and a few people clapped including my dad! It was cool that he came to hear me sing. He thought I sounded good but wished I had used my body a little more so that I was a "full performer". After the gig I stayed at Conors for quite a while and chatted with Roger and Joe for a while and then with my friends Brandon and Ian (the Conors Sunday Regulars). It was a good time expect that I ended not getting very much sleep at all last night!! So today seemed kind of like a waste of a day because I napped for most of the morning, after watching the Top Chef Holiday Special!!!! It was so good to actually watch a show on TV that I wanted to watch! There has been such nonsense on TV these days! That writers strike needs to resolve like woah. After sleeping the morning away I got up and went to the grocery store and finally got some good fruits and vegetables to eat! The other big happening of the day was that I got my kitties back from their temporary cat sitter! I hadn't seen them since September and its so nice to have them at home again! They are adorable! Kluhia looks like a lady cat now! And Tigger respectively looks like a handsome but large 4 year old cat. I also went to the gym and worked out which felt amazing! I have been eating like shit and not doing as much dancing (because most of the sessions are over) so it felt great to just run and lift weights like a normal exerciser! My dad and I grabbed dinner at Jeruselum Garden and it was tasty! We even got a free baklava! We had an in depth conversation about my New York vs. Dance Instructor job dilemma albeit no decisions have been made yet! Thats all I got! The image is a pine marten that Cyrus saw at one of his winter excursions because he was winter camping this weekend!

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