Monday, January 21, 2008


Today is a real true blog entry just to discuss today. Today is Monday, January 21st and it is Martin Luther King Day! Go non-violence and equal rights! I totally wanted to do something MLK related today but I didn't really know of anything that was going on so I decided to overeat on fabulous cookies, clean the basement, and do a ridiculously hard workout instead. The day started when I woke up at 11am to find that my mom did not go to work! I was SOOOOO looking forward to having a day all to myself without her in the house. I guess she didn't have class because of MLK Day! She was SO stressed out when I woke up that I thought I was going to die. As a member of the Lecturer's Union at UM Dearborn she had to undergo an annual review. Apparently there was some form that she needed to fill out that she was looking for that she could not find. This led to her bedroom, her study, the dining room, and the living looking as if a tornado of paper went through! I woke up to this and just like OH MY GOD! So apparently her supervisor gave her the form that she needed to fill out but it was from 2007 instead of 2008 and so she thought she could find the updated version online somewhere. Well- yeah I don't know if anyone remembers this but seriously my mom and computers/the internet DO NOT get along. She had some website that she thought it would be on but she couldn't figure how to enter the website in the web browser and pull it. Seriously- the woman has 4 degrees, including a pHD, and she doesn't know how to use Safari? OH MY GOD! Anyway- eventually I asked her what her supervisor said to do and she said- well he just told me to fill out the form that he gave me. I guess her telling me that convinced her that she could stop trying to look for a new form. Anyway- I'm getting worked up just talking about this. So whatever- Gina and I made cookies and brownies last night and it was super fun! So of course this morning I had these amazing looking cookies-would take a pic but my camera is broken : (- staring at me so I ended up eating 5 of them with breakfast! Awww they were so good but they kind paralyzed me from starting my day because I was so full! Totally worth it though. So then I got to thinking about my podcast and how I really want to have new episodes! Especially because several people have expressed interest in it! So! Be on the lookout for new episodes because I am planning to film one this evening and then another one tomorrow! I will try to keep them coming! I feel like I have a shit load of free time! I'm starting to figure out my schedule but it still leaves me with a lot of down time with which I have NO IDEA what to do. If anyone needs anything done for them I would totally be up for it because I really have the time on my hands! So I ended up working out from 330-5 which pretty much killed my legs becasue I used ankle weights for the first time in a long time! It felt amazing! Still though I'm pissed because I can't get enough cardio because I can't go running outside and I don't exactly belong to a gym. I mean technically I can workout at the rec center whenever I want but I feel bad doing that because I only work one day a week. Yeahhhhhh ok I have more to write but I'm gonna save it for the opening of my podcast episode! Which you all should watch. That is all. Sorry no pic. : (

random poem from summer '06?

So I was doing a little bit of cleaning this morning in my basement because I ate too many happy colored cookies for breakfast to even think about working out.....and I came across this poem that I wrote. I believe I wrote it during the summer of 2006 at Interlochen but I can't be sure. It really struck me and inspired me to begin writing again. Here it is:


and you're gazing
pigmented petal road
beams up
wedges of light
peer in through that passengers
side window
and you can't help but
look directly at the sun
wind rushes around your
thin pjs
like the flapping
of an owls cheeks
at mitime
and I wonder
why I remember only
sometimes that I can
see your beauty.
I couldn't see you
and now I feel you
in my heart
and my smile can't hide
and your serentiy
somehow manifests itself
in the softness of your
pink clouds

where we

I'm in love with this poem right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tell me what you guys think!

Monday, January 14, 2008

I'm feeling SO WEIRD!

It is totally time for another blog entry because my life is SOOOO weird right now. The new year started with a bang and then suddenly took a wrong turn. As a student at my ballroom studio I had the opportunity to compete to be a part of the Dancing With The Stars Touring Show in Detroit. My partner and I practiced our asses off for the first round of competition which was held in Northville on Jan. 3. We danced a Cha-Cha and a Swing against about 40 other couples. Of those 40 the judges and audience participation (signature DWTS) selected 10 couples to move on to the finals. My partner and I were selected!!!!!!!!!!!! So a few days later we went to Joe Louis Arena and danced again in front of 20,000ish people in the Pre-Show of the Touring Show. We did not move on to the final round but it was amazing to dance in front of so many people and we got seats on the floor for the entire show. It was the most amazing show I'd ever seen! Anyway- because of the amazing performance experience I developed a whole new attitude toward life. Basically I realized that I was living my life in somewhat of a reserved mode and life was so much more enjoyable when I let my crazy self out all the time and didn't think about what other people were going to think of. For the first time I felt really alive! I found this new way of living that was so much better I felt like I was reborn. Then all of a sudden I started getting self conscious about it and shy. Now I am in the weirdest mood ever and I have been for the past week. I'm hard core self-conscious and afraid of what people are gonna think and how they are going to react. I feel so out of my element all the time now and it fucking sucks. I don't why I feel so strange but it seriously needs to stop soon!! I am not even motivated to dance or workout or anything. I mean I'm still doing things but I just don't have the same passion. Its so screwy. Anyone have any advice?

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Longest Travel Day Ever!

Welcome back to my blog! I hope everyone had a relaxing and fun filled holiday! My holiday was sufficiently full of overeating and being lazy and I am now completely convinced that the holidays are a major conspiracy to make people gain weight! Honestly- if you don't overeat during the holidays you are like a misfit of society! Anyway- I'll talk more about my specific holiday events in another entry, for now I want to talk about my day which was THE LONGEST TRAVEL DAY EVER! Ok- so maybe it wasn't the longest but today I spend over 12 hours in an airport or airplane. It all started with a restless last night at Cys house in Minnesota. We got up at 7:45am to catch a taxi to the airport at 8:30. The taxi was late but we still made it to the airport by 9 and Cy made it to his flight to New York City at 10. I, however, had to wait until 12:30 to catch my flight to Chicago Midway. I stared out the window at Cys gate for 2 hours after his plane took off then I made my way over to my gate in another Concourse. I reached my gate only to find that my flight had been delayed by 30min. I got some coffee and then came back to the gate to find it was delayed even more! I finally boarded the plane and we took off at about 1:30pm! I got to Midway STARVING and headed to the food court for some lunch. Midway has the best food court because it has Potbellies and Ben and Jerry's-- both of which I indulged in for lunch. I had a 5 hour lay over in Midway which turned out to be 4 because of the previous delay. I ate lunch, walked around a little, and then settled down in the phone booth/travel area to plug in my computer to watch "Shall We Dance" (the original Japanese version) which Cys mom got me for xmas. It was such a good movie!!! I liked it just as much as the 04 version with jlo and richard gere. I finally boarded my plane to detroit at 6:07. I got in to detroit only to find that my 2 checked bags did not make it to detroit with me!! I waited my the carousel for 20 min and then stood in line at the "Luggage Information Office" for another 30 minutes. They told me my luggage was not there and all I could do was file a delayed luggage claim and give them my home address. Meanwhile my parents were circling the airport for over an hour waiting for me to be done! I finally got done and meet them outside for the ride back to snowy Ann Arbor! Apparently Ann Arbor got 12 inches of snow!!! One of our electrical wires that was mounted to the house got dragged down by the heavy snow and is dangling over the back porch! Its scary looking! Anyway! That was my boring day of airporting in a nutshell. Now I feel like I can let it go and relax and go to bed! I hope I get some sympathy comments for my 12 hour airport day! Hope everyone had better travels then me and did not lose their luggage! Take care everyone and be on the look out for some post-holiday fat blaster podcasts!!!!!!!!!!!